Spelt flour was first used between 7,000 and 8,000 years ago, making it one of the oldest cultivated crops in human history. Spelt was an important staple in parts of Europe — from the Bronze Age to medieval times. Today, it’s rising in popularity and has found a new market in health food stores. Because more and more people are dealing with gluten sensitivities, spelt offers an alternative to wheat flour. Although it does contain gluten, it seems to be tolerated more easily than wheat.
Red Fife is a bread wheat variety that Dave Fife and his family began growing at their Peterborough, Ontario farm in 1842. It received its name from the original red colour of the wheat and the name of the farmer who originally grew it in Canada. Red fife is Canada’s oldest wheat. We are proud to use red fife in all of our whole wheat recipes. It has a beautifully nutty flavour.
Rye one of our favourites. We sprout it, we malt it and use it to make flour for bread and treats such as our chocolate rye cookies. In addition to its wonderful flavour rye boasts some impressive health benefits such as its ability to help fight against diabetes, cardiovascular disease, weight gain, cancer, inflammation and high blood pressure.
Rye is not gluten-free, however it is one of the three gluten grains along with wheat and barley. It contains a protein called secalins, which is a form of gluten. However, rye flour, when used in baking, contains much less gluten than wheat and barley.
Kamut (pronounced ka-moot) is a trademarked name given to khorasan wheat. Kamut brand wheat has a rich and buttery flavor. Plus, it is known to be easily digested. Similar to bulgar wheat, has more proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals and amino acids than common wheat; therefore, it serves as a more nutritious substitute. Kamut has a ton of health benefits including: supporting bone health, aids digestive health, detoxes the body, high source of protein, helps to fight the common cold, supports brain health, balances hormones, lowers cholesterol.
Buckwheat is a green, heart shaped pseudo cereal that we use in our pastries and granola. With a flavour reminiscent of ginger and nuts, it is a suitable substitute for whole grains as it naturally gluten-free. Meaning that those who are sensitive to gluten can consume it without issue! This seed has a pretty high content of protein, amino acids, potassium and fiber! We’re bonkers for buckwheat. Makes good pancakes too. :)